How Do Air Source Heat Pumps Work?
The Technology in a Nutshell
Air source heat pumps are a direct replacement from your traditional Gas, Oil & LPG boilers, they absorb heat from the outside air and use it to provide free energy . This energy can then be used to heat the radiators, underfloor heating, and hot water in your home.
Air Source Heat Pumps Explained....
An air source heat pump extracts heat from the outside air in the same way that a fridge extracts heat from its inside. the system extracts heat from the air even when the temperature is as low as -15° C. Heat pumps require electricity to run, but the heat they extract from the air is constantly being renewed naturally.
Air source heat pumps consist of four major elements that allow the refrigerant to pass from a liquid state to a gas: a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve and an evaporator.
When the refrigerant passes through the heating cycle, the high temperature (usually 100 degrees or more) transforms it into vapor or gas while the energy produces heat. The gas then goes through the compressor that increases its temperature, and then through the expansion valve that makes the hot air enter the building. Next the hot air passes in a condenser that turns the gas into liquid again. The heat produced by the energy in the evaporation phase passes through the heat ex changer again to restart the cycle.