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Is a Heat Pump right for heating my house?

Is a Heat Pump right for heating my house?

There is a lot of talk about heat pumps right now. Many people believe they are the best method to meet our climate change targets and get to net-zero by 2050. The government intends to install 600,000 of them into UK homes every year.
Heat pumps are undoubtedly efficient and will contribute to reducing carbon emissions.

How do heat pumps work?

An air-source heat pump resembles an air conditioning unit installed outside the residence; however, it works similarly to a refrigerator in reverse and functions as a boiler, in that it produces hot water. However, unlike boilers, heat pumps do not generate heat; instead, they transfer it from one location to another.

A fan unit is included with air source heat pumps, which draw heat from the outside air. After that, the heat is concentrated and used to make hot water. The hot water must be stored inside the residence in a hot water cylinder to feed radiators, taps, and showers. The system is powered by electricity, and copper plumbing connects the two units.

Is a heat pump suitable for your house?

A well-insulated dwelling with a garden is ideal for a heat pump. The correct heat delivery system and hot water cylinder can be easily included if the heat pump is integrated into the build from the start. Heat pumps and other renewable heating systems are set to become the default heating system from 2025 when connecting a new build home to the gas grid is no longer an option. Of course, not all existing properties are well-insulated, but it is advised to get this sorted ASAP as the benefits of a heat pump are plain for everyone to see.